技術參數 Technical Parameter
儀器型號Machine model |
VMS-2010F |
VMS-3020F |
VMS-4030F |
VMS-5040F |
工作臺 Work table |
X/Y軸行程 X/Y axis travel |
200*100 |
300*200 |
400*300 |
500*400 |
Z軸行程 Z axi travel |
有效空間245mm,調焦行程200mm,工作距離90mm。 Effective space is 245mm,focusing stroke is 200mm,and working distance is 90mm. |
金屬臺尺寸 Mental table dimension |
350*220 |
450*350 |
550*450 |
700*600 |
玻璃臺尺寸 Glass table dimension |
230*130 |
330*230 |
430*330 |
530*430 |
傳動型式 Drive type |
X/Y光桿傳動,Z軸光軸傳動X/Y axis rod drive, Z axioptical axi drive |
測量伺服驅動系統 Measuring servo drive system |
光學尺分辨率:X/Y/Z軸0.0005mm(0.5um) Optical scale resolution:X/Y/Zaxis 0.0005mm(0.5um) |
測量精度:≤3um+L/200重復精度:≤3um Measuring accuracy:≤3um+L/200 Repeatability accuracy:≤3um |
多功能數據處理器可測點,線,圈,圓,角度等。 Versatile data processor can measures points,lines,loops,circles,angles,etc |
影像系統 Image system |
攝像機:日本SONY CCD視頻放大倍數:20-240x 測量范圍:9.0mm-1.35mm Camera:Japan SONY CCD Video magnification:20-240x Measurement range 9.0mm-1.35mm |
鏡頭:WM高清變倍鏡頭/連續放大倍率0.7-4.5x Len:WM HD zoom lens/continuous magnification 0.7-4.5x 可配0.5x物鏡,總放大倍率:10-120x Can be equipped with 0.5xobjective lens, total magnification:10-120x 可配2x物鏡,總放大倍率:40-480x Can be equipped with 2x objective lens, total magnification:40-480x |
光源系統Light system |
表面光源與投射光源冷光源,壽命長,亮度可調 Surface light and projectionlight,cold light,long life,brightness adjustable |
儀器外形尺寸 Machine external dimension |
500*700*1100 |
600*750*1100 |
700*900*1150 |
850*1050*1200 |
儀器重量(kg) Machine weight(kg) |
150 |
180 |
200 |
240 |
Length unit:mm